English Civil War 1642 to 1651 .

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Created 13 Jul,13 11:17   main page   recent uploads


Comments: 9

English  Civil  War  1642  to  1651 .

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13 Jul,13 11:19
English Civil War 1642 to 1651 .

13 Jul,13 23:48

15 Jul,13 11:36
Will King Obama , like Charles The First be executed ? ....... That will be fun to watch on TV .

17 Jul,13 15:25
if u want to chek out a cool site follow the link below

28 Jul,13 03:57
Hey kid - you are smarter than most Americans 4 times your age! And you know more history too!

28 Jul,13 04:23
The 1970 movie entitled " Cromwell " starring Alec Guinness as King Charles The First and Richard Harris as Oliver Cromwell was on channel 62 on 24th of May 2013 in Ballarat Australia ....... History ignored is History repeated ..... Americas Second Civil War is a tragedy waiting to happen ....... God save America , America saved Australia from the Japanese at The Battle of The Coral Sea .

28 Jul,13 04:31
Why does King Obama want to murder all anti tyranny Americans ? ....... This is for our security .

28 Jul,13 04:34
>Hey kid - you are smarter than most Americans 4 ti
>mes your age! And you know more history too!
And That naked woman saying " I'll never wear a blindfold again " knows me .

09 Aug,13 08:39
>Why does King Obama want to murder all ant
>i tyranny Americans ? ....... This is for our
> security .

hahaha, hmm, yes, kill us for our own security, riiiiiight. oh and by the way, fuhrer Obomber wants everyones' guns too, but he and his armies are going to keep theirs, :| , and he and his big corporations don't pay any taxes, and are exempt from obombercare, and are trillionaires. yeah, he really represents the people (not).

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